Miley Cyrus – Memes that the Internet has gifted to her (Part Two!)

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Funny Memes - miley cyrus wrecking ball 1
Funny Memes - miley cyrus wrecking ball 1

After her twerking stunts and risqué dance moves at the VMA’s, you would think Miley Cyrus has gotten herself enough attention to last a century. But no, here she is again, proving that when it comes to attracting controversy, no one does it better than her!

Riding a wrecking ball in her birthday suit in her new number called, well, wrecking ball, Miley Cyrus sure seems to be working hard to try and shake off her sweet Disney girl image. And while she is at it, the Internet has been working hard too – creating funny memes at her expense!

Funny Memes - miley cyrus wrecking ball 1

Poor Thor. Miley has reduced his hammer – his symbol of supreme power – to… something that she can’t get her tongue off. We understand your anguish, Thor.

Funny Memes - miley cyrus wrecking ball 2

And that is precisely what so many of us feel! Miley, you need to know that your songs are not as bad as those videos you accompany them with. Spare the poor lyricist, please.

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We have to agree, this is so much better than seeing Miley ride that wrecking ball, licking anything and everything that comes her way. Give us Wrecking Cat over wrecking ball-riding Miley Cyrus any day! That cat does look a bit terrified though. Maybe someone forced the poor thing to sit through a re-watch of Wrecking Ball.

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Nothing could be truer! What with all her attention grabbing antics, we just wish she would leave our screens already! Or maybe, go back to being sweet old Hannah Montana. Too much of Miley Cyrus isn’t that good of a thing after all!

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We heartily agree with whoever made this meme! All Miley Cyrus is doing with her capers is breaking down that image of hers she created over the years by being Hannah Montana. Why destroy something good to build up something no one really wants to be a part of? Maybe it should be back to destination Disney, eh, Miley?

See also: How Miley Cyrus at the VMA’s will go down in history: Illustrated

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